Create Sample Demo

This section explains how to use the business components easily from Cedrus Fusion Library in an application. The demo is presented by creating a sample application from scratch that uses/wires two business components from the library following the below steps:

  1. Generate a new project using Angular Cli

  2. Install Angular Material

  3. Install Cedrus Fusion Library

  4. Use the needed components and Wire them together.

Generate a new Project

To create a new Angular 2 project, all what you to do is install angular-cli and then use it to create your project as following:

  1. "npm install -g angular-cli" <--- Install Angular Cli

  2. "ng new PROJECT_NAME" <--- Create your project

  3. "cd PROJECT_NAME" <-Access your project directory

Install Angular Material

To install angular material in your cli project, all what you have to do is:

  1. "npm install --save @angular/material" <--- Install Angular Material

  2. "npm install --save hammerjs" <--- Support library for Angular Material

  3. <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <-- Include inindex.html

  4. Update app.module.ts by:

import { MaterialModule } from '@angular/material';

Add "MaterialModule.forRoot()" in the imports array of ngModule.

Install Cedrus Fusion Library

  1. "npm install --save cedrus-fusion" <---Install the library

  2. Update app.module.ts by:

import { CfModule } from 'cedrus-fusion/src/app/app.module';

Add "CfModule" in the imports array of ngModule.+

Use the needed components and Wire them together

Refer to the documentation of the components, create your customized objects to describe them and use the components in your templates.

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